Household Conditions by Geographic School District

Data and Society Capstone Project
Seattle Pacific University

By: Jon Geiger, Noel Goodwin, and Abigail Joppa

Household Conditions Dataset (hh.csv)

Originally provided by the Urban Institute

Cleaned and pruned version of the original household conditions dataset. Changes include:

  • Rename variables for easier use (see [ names_list.R ])
  • Transform the original "Margin of Error" (MOE) variable into a single sided MOE for future anlayses
  • Include LEAID (state fips code + district ID) for easy joining
  • Filter out New York Department of Education "School District" -- This is an extreme outlier, as it includes the children for all 32 NY districts. See create_hh.R for more details.
  • Variables Description
    state State where each district resides
    leaid Local education agency identification number
    dist District name
    children An estimate of children between the ages 5-17 who are enrolled in school within a certain geographic school district.
    pct_pov Percent of students within each geographical district boundary estimated to be living in povertyAn estimate of children between the ages 5-17 who are enrolled in school within a certain geographic school district.
    pct_SP Percent of households within each geographical district boundary estimated to be living in a household with only one father or one mother.
    SP_MOE Single-sided MOE for pct_SP estimate
    pct_HHVJ Percent of households within a geographical district estimated to have a homeowner working in a vulnerable economic sector
    HHVJ_MOE Single-sided MOE for pct_HHVJ estimate
    pct_CC Percent of households within a geographical district estimated to be living in crowded conditions
    CC_MOE Single-sided MOE for pct_CC estimate
    pct_NCI Percent of households within a geographical district estimated to be without computer or internet access
    nci_MOE Single-sided MOE for pct_NCI estimate
    pct_CD Percent of students estimated to be disabled
    cd_MOE Children with disabilities single-sided margin or error
    pct_CLI Percent of children within a geographic school district estimated to be linguistically isolated
    cli_MOE Single-sided margin of error for pct_CLI
    region South, West, North Central, Northeast

    Race Dataset (race.csv)

  • Sourced from the American Community Survey (ACS) which incudes demographic estimates of each school district in the US averaged over 2014-2018.
  • See create_race.R for data retreival information
  • Finance Dataset (finance.csv)

  • Accessed through the Urban Institute R package API
  • Sourced form the Common Core of Data (CCD)
  • See download_finance_data_R for data retreival information

  • Variables Description
    leaid Local education agency identification number
    fed_per_child 4-year average total federal funding per child (2014-2017)
    state_per_child 4-year average total state funding per child (2014-2017)
    local_per_child 4-year average total local funding per child (2014-2017)

    Graduation Rate Dataset (grad.csv)

  • Sourced from an Urban Institute R package which includes graduation rates by cohort
  • See script for reference on how we transformed the data to include graduation rates by district rather than cohort.
  • Variables Description
    leaid Local education agency identification number
    grad_rate_midpt Average graduation rate

    Assessment Dataset (assess.csv)

  • Accessed through the Urban Institute R package API
  • Sourced from edfacts
  • See download_assess_data_R for data retreival information
  • Variables Description
    leaid Local education agency identification number
    read_score 5-year average reading assessment score (2014-2018)
    math_score 5-year average math assessment score (2014-2018)
    total_score 5-year average total (reading+math) assessment score (2014-2018)